Aerial view of Hobart and the River Derwent
Image thanks to: Events Tasmania and Alastair Bett

Rosny Hill Lookout


Rosny Hill Lookout

Location: Rosny Park, Hobart
Distance from: Hobart CBD - 6 km, Launceston - 195 km, Devonport - 276 km

Rosny Hill is in a beautiful section of Hobart called Rosny. On the eastern banks of the River Derwent, the hill sits on its own small peninsula in Kangaroo Bay, surrounded by swirls of streets and bus stops. At the top of the hill, you'll find the lookout with sweeping views of the Derwent River, the Tasman Bridge, Hobart, Ross Bay and the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. As a plus, the entire scene is backdropped by Mount Wellington looming off in the distance.

The viewing platform is safe and features informational displays so you know exactly what you're looking at in the distance. The entire area is well maintained by the city. They even cut the tops off of trees that try to block the view.

Rosny Hill Circuit Track

At the lookout, you might notice a walking track descending down the hill. This connects with the Rosny Circuit Track, which is a wonderful short walk around Kangaroo Bay and the neighbourhoods below. Just remember that you'll have to climb back up the hill to get back to your car.

Getting There

Drive over the Tasman Bridge from Hobart towards Rosny. Turn onto Riawena Road then follow the signs to the lookout. The drive from Hobart CBD is a quick 11 minutes over 6 kilometres. Launceston is 2.5 hours away, sitting 195 kilometres to the north. The drive from Devonport takes 3 hours and 18 minutes over 276 kilometres.

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