Its impossible to explain on the one page why Tasmania is the best place on earth. But we've had a crack.

David Attenborough's Tasmania Attenborough narrates the story of a vast island wilderness - ancient forests, pristine rivers & spectacular coastline. Seasons vary from dry heat, strong winds & cold bringing wombats, wallabies & platypus out in daylight. Video available to watch for free until 8:31pm on 3 Jul 2018.
DRIVE TO THE LEFT: Like the rest of Australia, down here you must keep to the left.
10 ROAD RULE MYTHS... New drivers and visitors to Tasmania, join us on a video journey that explains the road rules. All road users are responsible for their safe use of the road and so it’s important for everyone to know the rules.
FACT: 42% is protected land which includes National parks and World Heritage sites
About Tasmania Tasmania Australia
28 The number of whisky awards Tasmania has won in the last 6 years.
WEDGETAIL EAGLE Is an endangered bird of Tasmania.
SOUTHERN LIGHTS: The best place to watch this natural light show is Tasmania.
MINERAL GEMS: Tasmania has a complex geological history, with the world's biggest exposure of diabase, or dolerite.
YOU IN A YEAR You in a Year showcases our enviable lifestyle and illustrates how a move to Tasmania could be the answer to a happier and healthier life with more time and space. Part of the Tasmanian Government’s Population Growth Strategy, You in a Year is now appearing online with promotional videos and an interactive app that shows what life could be like just one year after moving to Tasmania.
HOBART & LAUNCESTON Tasmania's two largest cities are located at opposite ends of the island joined by a 2.5hr drive.
98% of all green peas processed in Australia comes from Tasmania.
SYDNEY TO HOBART: No regular annual yachting event in the world attracts such huge media coverage.
OUR ENGLISH IS SLIGHTLY SKEWED: "As if" - This term is used by alot of people meaning 'no way' or just a plain simple 'no'. Also see sif, zif or ziffer.
TASMANIAN GEM: The Spotted Handfish is a slow-moving fish who prefers to 'walk' rather than swim.
About Tasmania Tasmania Australia
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